christmas eve.

You know, all these wishes and hopes, when people just wish that they could get what they want. Some people do wish that they would find their soulmates. And some don't. We'll keep wishing, that we someday would find the right person, who really set our hearts on fire. Who stays there with us, until the end. But we have to stop just wishing, we have to do something. We have to figure it out, how we can get the chance, to find the person. Read, read, read, don't stop until you have the answer. Read your mind. And then, when you finally get your answer, when you find it out, you have to tell this person what you really feel inside, don't hesitate! We have to make it work, at least we have to give it a try. Cus' afterwards, you would regret it so much, you would think; what the hell we're I thinking of? So before it is too late, follow your heart, don't let anything prevent you! Every man, need someone to love, someone to hold on tight. Life is a process of burning itself, we need stability! So if a person really makes you happy, why wait? why sit there, just waiting for something that maybe never will exist if you don't try. Maybe it would be like this that you sit all alone, forever just waiting for the right time, and when the time comes, then it's too late. How much would you regret that? It would nearly kill me!  

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