Please, please, please!

mitt sinne, för humor är väldigt sjukt. vartifrån fick jag egentligen E.T? det var det närmaste jag kunde komma på, som kan påminna om denna person till sättet. Haha! Det kan förklara en hel del, jag har bevis!

I'm waiting for you to come over to my place, at least I wish that you would call me. I don't want to wait anymore. Why can't you see? Why can't you understand? I know that you're smarter than that, don't even try. You wanted me to tell you, how I wanted it. I'm sorry, I couldn't, but now afterwards, I really want to do it. "Memories shaken, love comes crashing."

We're falling in love, we're getting married, raise together a family! <- bra start på allt va! :]

något på hjärtat?

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